7 Business Resume Samples Proven To Work in 2024

Stephen Greet
Stephen Greet July 25, 2024
7 Business Resume Samples Proven To Work in 2024


Best for senior and mid-level candidates

There’s plenty of room in our elegant resume template to add your professional experience while impressing recruiters with a sleek design.

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Some college degrees provide limited options, whereas pursuing a business degree opens endless doors. From overseeing the operations of a business to recruiting top talent, business occupations can be highly rewarding. 

Writing the perfect resume and tinkering with a cover letter maker may seem like the least fun way to spend your time, but like your career choice, if you invest in some upfront work, your resume will work hard for you, and the rewards can be limitless

We’ve done the heavy lifting, so you can spend more time hunting for that ideal job. 

Take advantage of our seven business resume examples and our proven writing tips that will set you up for success. Your resume, we’re sure, will stand apart from the competition, ushering you into your dream job in 2024.

Why this resume works

  • So, how to land that operations manager job in your dream company has you tossing and turning all night? We get it and are here to help. The secret to crushing it is presenting a resume showcasing you’re the mastermind behind the scenes that keeps the gears of business well-oiled and spinning. Watch and learn:
    • Show a preference towards powerful verbs (e.g. “revamped”, “established”, and “analyzed”) when firing up your bullet points. There’s no better way to flaunt proactive behavior while illustrating your competencies.
    • Leapfrogging your opponents calls for demonstrating value and credibility. How? Add numbers! Strategically weaved into your work history, quantified achievements like “reduced manual work by 117 hours each month” and “$660K in incremental sales” are proof that you don’t just make promises but deliver desired results.
    • Don’t fall into the one-size-fits-all trap with your business resume. Customize it with phrases plucked right from the job description. Examples include “pinpointing underperforming paid acquisition channels” and “worked with engineering to launch tools.”
    • And don’t forget the tech side of things. You see, recruiters are on the lookout for candidates handy with the digital toolkit. So, drop in stories of how you rocked essential software like Salesforce and Tableau in the past. It’s all about showing you’re ready to digitize, analyze, and optimize right from the get-go.

Business Student Resume

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Business student resume
example with freelancing experience

Why this resume works

  • Leverage your lack of years of experience by bringing to the fore your achievements in exceeding targets. Even as an intern with freelance experience, you can get the job you want by focusing on what you can do.
    • You already have a track record in increasing traffic, boosting brand visibility, and using analytics to grow brands. Leverage past success to propel your potential in your business student resume.

Experienced Business Analyst Resume

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Experienced business analyst resume
example with 8 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Don’t gloss over the resume skills section in your experienced business analyst resume. While it may be difficult to narrow down the key skills you have to offer, it’s important to stick with a short, concise list—something an employer can easily glance at to get a read on you.
    • It’s a good idea to include abilities that are mentioned in the business job description of the position you’re applying for (if you’re honestly skilled in those areas). Don’t fib, but don’t sell yourself short either!
  • Speaking of skills, try to highlight them in your job description bullet points.
    • For example, if you’re skilled with SQL, try writing about the impact you made using SQL in a previous position.

Experienced Business Development Manager Resume

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Experienced business development manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Your experienced business development manager resume will work best for you if you organize your experience in reverse-chronological order.
    • Reverse-chronological formatting displays your most recent or current position at the top, which will likely be most similar to the position you’re seeking. 
    • This format also shows the evolution of your career history naturally. Your latter work history may detail more basic duties and less responsibility, and you’ll want the job you’ve listed first to clearly showcase your advanced expertise. 
  • In the business world, companies are seeking individuals who are consistent in producing results. While you should directly state your impact in your work experience bullet points, you can indirectly speak to your consistency and reliability through your resume template and format.
    • Choose a template that’s both professional and eye-catching. 
    • Be consistent with your resume formatting. Headings, font, and even punctuation (or lack thereof) should be consistent. 

Business Administration Resume

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Business administration resume example with 5+ years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Merging your technical prowess with relevant hard and soft skills on your business administration resume shows an overview of your abilities to a potential employer. Mention specific technical proficiencies and how you have used them to add business value.
    • Display how you helped cut costs, increased productivity, automated processes for optimal performance, etc.

Business Management Resume

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Business management resume example with 3 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Project managers are doers; they’re professionals with a track record of delivering for their organizations. Nothing emphasizes this more on your resume than starting each work experience bullet point with an active verb.
    • Avoid personal pronouns, adjectives, or non-active verbs. Instead, start with strong verbs, such as “defined” and “beat.”
    • Make your way over to our free resume checking tool for more on using active verbs, getting your grammar just right, and ensuring your resume’s spit-spot. 
  • Another way to show your professional chops is to include a resume objective.
    • While optional, a well-written, concise couple of sentences highlighting your best self, coupled with a few impressive metrics, can be a slam dunk for an interview.
  • Your business management resume may include a job or two where you’ve carried a different title, such as a software developer; just avoid the temptation to repeat your job duties from one position to the next.
    • Keep each bullet point’s content fresh and varied.

HR Business Partner Resume

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Hr business partner resume example with 5 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • It’s important that your HR business partner resume takes up a full page, no more and no less. While it can be frustrating to take out or add sentences, try adjusting the format first.
    • Many times, adjusting the spacing, margin size, or even rearranging the sections can do just the trick. 
  • HR is all about investing in people, starting with the recruitment phase and seeing that those individuals are properly onboarded. With that said, if your job is about the hiring process, it’s imperative that you’ve made your own AI resume stellar and top-notch!
    • Accomplish this with a resume career summary if you boast at least 10 years in your field. It’ll set you apart from the rookies! You can leverage your summary to remind the employer that you want this position and are aiming to contribute to the rise of the company with any noteworthy specializations you have under your belt. 
    • A final formatting tip—prominently display your contact information close to your name, so a busy employer can readily and easily contact you; don’t give them a reason to trash your resume.  

How to Make a Business Resume

Coworkers point toward board behind them, which has layout on how to create business resume

Stay tuned for a quick step-by-step guide on how to make your own business resume. Use this guide and a business resume template above to get your foot in the door. 

  1. Choose a resume template appropriate for the business role

    Choose a professional resume template that compliments the company’s tone. A business degree opens the door to a myriad of jobs, which range from casual to formal roles. As a business development manager in the healthcare industry, you might choose a more traditional resume template. On the other hand, if you plan to your use your business degree to be a project manager in the travel industry, a creative resume template could work well.

  2. Include the specific business title beneath your name

    Within your resume’s contact header, add the business title you desire beneath your name. Get this information directly from the job description. For instance, a business development specialist might also be called a business development associate or business development representative. Adding this professional touch is one way to show the company you care about getting the details right.

  3. Highlight your business education

    If you have a master’s degree in business, list that first. Follow that with your bachelor’s. If you’re freshly graduated, consider adding relevant coursework, such as Principles of Operations Management or Business Finance, beneath your most recent education as well as your GPA if it’s above a 3.5 and any academic awards that are relevant to your degree.

  4. Tell your story, not your business responsibilities

    Ask yourself how your work tangibly impacted a company or further developed its operations and processes. Did you identify gaps in reporting, which led you to oversee the development of more robust documentation? Did you experiment with pricing to improve customer lifetime value? Did you increase annual revenue through a referral program you created?

    Your resume’s job description bullet points are a chance to share quantifiable business accomplishments rather than daily responsibilities. And your business cover letter is the perfect place to dive into the details of how you made those accomplishments happen.

  5. Add relevant business skills to your resume

    Your business background means you could be skilled in communication, CRM, negotiation, employee onboarding, or even technical abilities like SQL, Python, or data analysis. It depends on the direction you’ve gone and the company’s job description that’s caught your attention. Try jotting down your skills. In a new column, jot down the skills mentioned in the job listing. Which ones are the same? Those are the business skills to include in your skills section.

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