5 UX Designer Resume Examples Created for 2024

Stephen Greet
Stephen Greet May 16, 2024
5 UX Designer Resume Examples Created for 2024

With a half-filled brainstorming paper on his desk, Mike contemplated his work history: He was no stranger to the user’s experience, having built up a foundation in UI design. He’d even honed his skills further through a UX researcher job with LinkedIn and his first role as a UX designer working for Apple!

Not even the sky was the limit for Matt when it came to landing awesome, fulfilling jobs. Oh, but what about his resume? After four years in his current job role, surely he could use some resume tips and quality resources to boost it to the next level.

Given his background in usability and design, Mike was already familiar with how much time he could save with a good resume template, and once he looked through our UX designer resume examples, he started working immediately.

Why this resume works

  • Companies hiring UX designers are ultra-specific about the skill sets they’re looking for. Focus on your relevant achievements only.
    • Showcase your achievements in your UX designer resume such as improving user experience, increasing product sales, creating a positive brand image, etc.

Entry-Level UX Designer Resume

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Entry-level UX designer resume example with project experience

Why this resume works

  • As an entry-level UX designer, you lack professional experience and your best bet is to win over recruiters by highlighting projects and coursework relevant to UX designing.
    • Show your skills in tools such as Bootstrap, Figma, Adobe Photoshop, etc., and any other individual or team achievements in your entry-level UX designer resume.

Senior UX Designer Resume

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Senior UX designer resume example with 6 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • As someone who has to lead teams, you have to ensure you list down communication skills that help you interact and collaborate with others.
    • Having skills such as Microsoft Teams will help you create a compelling senior UX designer resume and show your employer that you’re well-versed in using software for gaining feedback and keeping tabs on everything.

Freelance UX Designer Resume

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Freelance UX designer resume example with 4 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • The best-selling point of your freelance UX designer resume is going to be experience. Even a humble beginning like a restaurant server is worth mentioning if you’ve got the space.
    • Pull experiences from your career that show your knowledge in placements and organizing things in a well-fashioned manner. Then move up the ranks and include any further roles such as a UX intern and finally describe your current role with quantified bullet points.

UI/UX Designer Resume

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UI/UX designer resume example with 4 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • You’re ready to take up a senior UI/UX designer role. Recruiters expect to see your conviction to be a leader and your ability to grow business.
    • Highlight your achievement metrics in driving customer satisfaction, growing leads, and converting new opportunities into business in your UI/UX designer resume.

Adapt Your UX Designer Resume to Match the Job

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

Your resume’s skills section is a crucial opportunity to showcase your expertise and how well it aligns with the job you’re applying for. The trick is to avoid vague terms and focus on specific, relevant skills that accurately describe your knowledge of UX design.

Emphasize the hard skills that demonstrate your proficiency in design software, wireframing tools, user research, A/B testing methodologies, and prototyping platforms, as well as familiarity with programming languages commonly used in web and app development. 

While UX design has a strong emphasis on collaboration and communication, it’s best to save soft skills for the work experience section, where you can showcase them rather than state them. Here, focus on mirroring the tools and technologies mentioned in the job description

Need some inspiration?

15 top UX Designer skills

  • Adobe XD
  • Figma
  • Sketch
  • InVision
  • Axure RP
  • Wireframing
  • Balsamiq
  • UserTesting
  • Hotjar
  • UsabilityHub
  • JavaScript
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • User Research
  • Prototyping

Your UX designer work experience bullet points

Your work experience section is your chance to shine and demonstrate how your contributions have led to exceptional user experience and business outcomes. 

Talk about the biggest achievements of your career so far and the things you’re really proud of, such as any and all innovative UI creations. This could be designing user interfaces that increased user engagement and retention or leading projects that resulted in improved conversion rates and customer satisfaction. 

Use metrics whenever possible to substantiate your claims—ideally in every single bullet point. Demonstrate the positive impact of your designs on key performance indicators like user engagement, conversion rates, or time-on-task metrics. 

  • Quantify the impact of your UX designs on user engagement, showcasing improvements in click-through rates and time-on-page metrics.
  • Use A/B testing results to demonstrate how your design iterations led to increased conversion rates and improved user satisfaction.
  • Highlight the success of user research efforts by mentioning the number of participants involved and the actionable insights gained.
  • Showcase the efficiency of your design process, citing the reduction in development time and iterations.

See what we mean?

  • Streamlined navigation using Mouseflow that reduced user bounce rate by 61%
  • Created a new hire orientation manual using Adobe XD, cutting down the onboarding process by 62%
  • Led a product redesign project that boosted customer satisfaction by 78% after research to identify 17 customer pain points
  • Decreased product development time by 28% through the integration of wireframe templates for similar projects

9 active verbs to start your UX designer work experience bullet points

  • Revamped
  • Orchestrated
  • Implemented
  • Optimized
  • Collaborated
  • Iterated 
  • Conceptualized 
  • Streamlined
  • Analyzed

3 Tips for Writing a UX Designer Resume with Limited Experience

  1. Highlight relevant projects and coursework
    • If you run out of professional work experience to talk about, focus on showcasing projects and coursework that demonstrate your skills and understanding of the field. Include details about user research projects, prototyping exercises, or design challenges you’ve tackled during your education or personal projects.
  2. Tailor skills to the job description
    • Don’t overload your resume with too many skills—they can’t all be relevant. Instead, carefully select around 10 key skills that align with the job requirements. Customize this section for each application, so if the job description mentions creating responsive designs, talk about your knowledge of CSS media queries.
  3. Include additional certifications 
    • Boost your resume by including any relevant certifications you’ve acquired outside of your core education. Certifications like UX-PM or certificates from the Nielsen Norman Group will further validate your skills and experience. 

3 Tips for Writing a UX Designer Resume as a Seasoned Professional

  1. Highlight your niche
    • If you have experience in specific areas of UX design, such as user research, interaction design, or accessibility, ensure you showcase these specializations in your resume. Add them to your skills section along with tools and technologies that align with the job description.
  2. Demonstrate continuous learning
    • Illustrate your commitment to staying up to date by mentioning recent certifications, workshops, or conferences you’ve attended. Discuss any contributions you’ve made to design communities or open-source projects, showcasing your passion for ongoing growth and improvement. 
  3. Showcase collaborative skills
    • While teamwork is essential in UX design, it’s best to avoid using it as a generic skill term. Instead, provide specific examples of your successful collaboration with multidisciplinary teams and highlight projects where you collaborated with developers, product managers, or marketing professionals. 
How can I pass through ATS with my UX design resume?

Use relevant keywords and phrases from the job description to optimize your resume for ATS. Incorporate key UX design terms and industry-specific software and tools like InVision or UserTesting. 

Should I include an objective or summary in my resume?

Including a well-crafted summary can be beneficial, especially if it’s tailored to the specific UX design job you’re applying for. Highlight your key strengths, such as proficiency in tools like Figma and Sketch, and mention successful project outcomes. 

How do I address a career change in my UX design resume?

Emphasize transferable skills that are relevant to both careers, such as problem-solving, creativity, and empathy. Showcase how your previous experience complements your UX design skills. For example, a graphic designer would share an eye for aesthetics that they can instantly apply to UX design projects. 

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