5 Medical Billing Resume Examples Built for 2024

Stephen Greet
Stephen Greet June 13, 2024
5 Medical Billing Resume Examples Built for 2024

Entry Level Medical Billing

Best for professionals eager to make a mark

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You bridge the gap between healthcare and financial administration. Thanks to your knowledge of medical codes, insurance procedures, and billing software, you effortlessly make sure healthcare providers get paid and patients aren’t overcharged.

Whether you focus on the billing or the coding side of things, navigating the complex world of healthcare economics is no small feat. It’s time to show hiring managers what you can do with a stellar resume and a free cover letter builder.

That’s where we come in. We’ve examined hundreds of resumes and job openings in the medical industry, so check out our sample medical billing resume examples and resume tips to get started.

Medical Billing Resume

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Medical billing resume example with 9 years experience

Why this resume works

  • Billing for an office is already a complicated process, but adding healthcare into the mix is a whole different ballgame. Your medical billing resume needs to show an ability to keep up with complex accounts in order to be competitive.
    • Showcase your competence by offering context around the environment in which you work. Experience in a high-volume medical office gives you a major advantage with employers.

Entry Level Medical Billing Resume

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Entry level medical billing resume example with retail cashier experience

Why this resume works

  • With limited experience, capitalize on an entry level medical billing resume that emphasizes how a previous internship, role, and/or college project aligns with the current role and the hiring organization’s needs.
    • For example, illustrate how a medical billing internship and a cashier refined your customer service skills, which could hint at your approach to patient care coordination. A proactive attitude and team collaboration mastered from case study membership can seamlessly translate into the medical billing clerk role, too.

Medical Billing Specialist Resume

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Medical billing specialist resume example with 7 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Honesty is non-negotiable for a medical billing specialist resume, particularly for your skills sections. Imagine being unable to perform tasks or use tools you claimed to be proficient in your resume–it’s disappointing besides setting you up for failure.
    • We understand it can be challenging to know what to include in the skill section; this isn’t your shopping list, after all. Essentially, let your hard skills (think tools like AdvancedMD, RelayHealth, and QuickBooks) take precedence. An accurate reflection of your abilities preserves your integrity, remember.

Medical Coder Resume

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Medical Coder resume example with 10 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • As a medical coder, your accuracy rate can directly affect another person’s well-being. The first thing a recruiter will look for on your application is how close that figure is to 100%. If you have a track record you’re proud of, present it clearly on your medical coder resume.

Medical Billing and Coding Resume

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Medical Billing and Coding resume example with 11 years experience

Why this resume works

  • Your medical billing and coding resume should show that your work can stand up to scrutiny—since that’s exactly what it needs to do. When a medical office is audited, it expects to pass with flying colors.
    • Highlight how your past billing and coding has been both highly accurate and compliant to gain potential employers’ trust.

Fine-Tune Medical Billing Resume to Match Each Job

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

You know all about various medical coding systems, you’re no stranger to accounting, and you could recite medical terminology in your sleep. Those are some impressive skills, and no matter if you’re auditing medical records for compliance or preparing financial reports, those skills carry you through each workday.

The medical billing and coding industry is built on software and industry-specific know-how like yours, so it’s only right that you highlight such abilities in your resume, too.

Talk about the many coding systems you’re well-versed in, like ICD-10 or HCPCS, and showcase your ability to operate EHR software like Epic Systems. Don’t forget to include your foundational medical knowledge, too, such as pharmacology or anatomy.

Need some ideas?

15 top medical billing skills

  • Kareo
  • 3M Codefinder
  • AHIMA Clintegrity
  • Epic Systems
  • AdvancedMD
  • Code Verification
  • EHR/EMR Proficiency
  • HIPAA Compliance
  • Auditing
  • Insurance Procedures
  • Payment Processing
  • Financial Analysis
  • Anatomy Knowledge
  • Basic Pharmacology

Your medical billing work experience bullet points

From reviewing documents and assigning codes to auditing medical records, it’s safe to say you’ve got your hands full every day. Aside from handling your own tasks, you’re also working closely with physicians to double-check various procedures.

While your daily grind is impressive, it’s best to focus on your achievements and explain how you’ve made an impact on your workplace. The best way to do that is to add some concrete metrics and let them help tell the tale.

You could highlight how you used ICD-10 guidelines to decrease coding errors or the superb accuracy rate of your coding audits using 3M Codefinder. 

  • Mention the sheer volume of work you handle on a daily basis. Highlight the number of medical claims or records per day, week, or year that you processed or audited.
  • Show off your meticulous work with high accuracy or compliance rates, and, conversely, low coding error rates.
  • Prove your software and medical coding expertise by talking about how you reduced claim denial rates. 
  • Express your efficiency with metrics such as the number of protocols you’ve optimized, productivity gains, and a boost in claim handling.

See what we mean?

  • Collaborated with healthcare providers to clarify code selection, improving coding accuracy by 39%
  • Processed an average of 232 medical claims per day using Epic, maintaining 97% compliant billing practices
  • Optimized electronic claim submissions with Kareo to lower processing time by 28% and ensure faster payments from insurance carriers
  • Conducted regular coding audits using NAMAS Auditor to reduce errors by 29%.

9 active verbs to start your medical billing work experience bullet points

  • Implemented
  • Processed
  • Conducted
  • Optimized
  • Streamlined
  • Audited
  • Reduced
  • Spearheaded
  • Maintained

3 Tips for Writing an Entry-Level Medical Billing Resume

  1. Highlight your certifications
    • When you’re still new to the job, your certifications are a good way to show that you know what you’re about. If you have certs like the CPC, CMRS, or CPB, add them to your resume to improve your odds.
  2. Tailor your skills to each role
    • If you edit each resume to match the job, you’ll automatically set yourself apart from the crowd. Study each job description and mix and match your skills depending on what it asks for. For example, if proficiency in Kareo and ICD-10 coding is important, put these skills front and center.
  3. Talk about your extracurriculars
    • If you’ve done things such as volunteer work in the healthcare industry or a data science hackathon, mention those valuable experiences. They can help show recruiters your initiative and enthusiasm outside of strictly professional settings.

3 Tips for Writing a Medical Billing Resume if You’re Already Experienced

  1. Detail your software proficiency 
    • Throughout your career in medical billing, you’ve gotten up close and personal with all kinds of software. If you’ve managed or contributed to any system transitions, such as migrating from Practice Fusion to AdvancedMD, emphasize this to show your technical savvy and adaptability. 
  2. Showcase your leadership
    • If you’ve managed, trained, or mentored other medical billing and coding staff, be sure to mention it in your work experience. Include the number of junior staff you managed and the positive impact your training led to, such as a reduction in errors or straight-up efficiency gains.
  3. Emphasize your financial impact
    • You’ve likely had a measurable financial impact on the healthcare providers you’ve worked for. Specify your financial accomplishments, such as the amount of money recovered from insurance claims, to demonstrate your potential value to prospective employers.
Should I include a career summary?

Whatever your experience level, a career objective or summary can be a great way to tailor your application to each role. Remember to mention the company by name, and if you’re more experienced, include some of your key strengths, such as HIPAA compliance or EHR proficiency.

How can I demonstrate my customer/patient interaction?

Your work has a direct impact on the lives of patients, from setting up payment plans to ensuring proper insurance billing. Discuss things like that to show that you’re an empathetic and dedicated medical billing specialist.

Should I mention my specialization?

Do you specialize in a certain niche, such as outpatient billing or surgical coding? Great! Highlight that throughout your resume to put some more emphasis on your diverse expertise.