3 IT Cover Letter Examples to Get the Job in 2024

Stephen Greet
Stephen Greet July 25, 2024
3 IT Cover Letter Examples to Get the Job in 2024

You’re the go-to computer guru with a passion and knowledge that make you a successful IT professional. Apart from an analytical mind and a deep understanding of technology, you’re also an excellent communicator capable of breaking down complex concepts for a non-technical audience.

You’ll find plenty of open positions when looking for a new job, but to turn them into firm offers, you’ll need to create a cover letter to accompany your IT resume that does a good job of describing your diverse skill set.

We’re here to help you score that job and advance your career. With our IT cover letter examples and tips, as well as our cover letter generator, you’ll wow hiring managers and be ready to ace those interviews!

IT Cover Letter Example


IT operations manager cover letter template

Copy this text for your IT cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101
(123) 456-7890

July 10, 2023

Ethan Anderson
123 Fictional Lane
Seattle, WA 98101

Dear Mr. Anderson:

I first came across DocuSign as a user assisted by the seamless integration of electronic signatures in everyday transactions. Now, I’m excited about the potential to become part of the innovative team that revolutionizes how businesses operate. With my experience in database administration, cloud computing, and more, I am convinced I can contribute to DocuSign’s mission as an IT operations manager.

At ExtraHop, I led the IT team in managing, maintaining, and optimizing critical infrastructure for more than 200 clients. In addition, I deployed scalable cloud solutions that helped reduce operating costs by 23% and increase overall system efficiency by 37%. My fluency in database administration enabled me to design and implement efficient database systems, reducing query times by 41% and lowering storage costs by 18%.

During my tenure at Rover, I was responsible for managing the company’s IT infrastructure and its transition to a cloud-based system. This allowed for a 12% increase in business agility and a 28% reduction in downtime, making it possible for the pet-sitting platform to grow into new markets.

Given my strong penchant for scripting and automation, I have developed custom automation solutions that have contributed to system resilience, boosted efficiency, and reduced errors by 92%. My philosophy resonates with DocuSign’s aim to simplify life for people and companies worldwide.

I wholeheartedly believe that my diverse background in IT and passion for driving efficiency will make a significant impact at DocuSign as an IT operations manager. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute my skills and enthusiasm to your organization.


Andrei Ivanov

2 letters of recommendation
Transcript of records

Why this cover letter works

  • Recognizing how the potential company influenced your career path and how their mission aligns with your philosophy is an excellent way to add a “wow” factor to your IT cover letter.
    • But beyond that, the recruiter wants to see your ability to get the company desired results. Don’t just highlight your previous wins; quantify them.

Pair Your Cover Letter with a Matching IT Resume

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Matching IT resume example with 7 years of experience

Level up your
cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

IT Support Cover Letter Example


IT Support Assistant cover letter template

Copy this text for your IT support cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90001
(123) 456-7890

August 10, 2023

Victoria Sanchez
123 Fictional Lane
Los Angeles, CA 90001

Dear Ms. Sanchez,

As a longtime Netflix consumer, I’m excited to contribute to its technological heartbeat as your next IT support assistant. Having been captivated by numerous series and films from the comfort of my living room, I have great respect for the hard-working teams behind the screens. With my proficiency accrued from various IT roles, I’m eager to support the teams that have been impressing me, and millions, for years.

In my previous role at Laserfiche, I enhanced the efficiency of their IT network by providing remote desktop support. This led to a substantial cut in system downtime by 18%. Additionally, my hands-on hardware repair skills ensured a quick turnaround of two hours for any major breakdown, leading to minimum disruption in productivity.

I further solidified my skill set in network administration during my tenure at Age of Learning. In two years, I significantly improved the company’s network efficiency by implementing several optimization techniques, resulting in a 22% reduction in bandwidth utilization. This also led to a 9 percent decrease in costs associated with network maintenance.

By marrying my expertise in IT support and a deep understanding of the unique needs of the streaming industry, I am certain of my ability to contribute positively to Netflix. My drive to facilitate smooth and efficient digital operations aligns with Netflix’s user-centric approach. I greatly appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to discussing my application with you further.


Ayumi Sato

Why this cover letter works

  • Expertise in computer systems and networks, repairing and installing peripherals, and excellent communication and interpersonal skills are key to excelling in the IT support role.
    • While you strive to show these skills in action in your IT support cover letter, take it further by connecting your past work to the current needs of the hiring organization.

IT Help Desk Cover Letter Example


IT Help Desk Supervisor cover letter template

Copy this text for your IT help desk cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue
Dallas, TX 75001
(123) 456-7890

August 10, 2023

Noah Brown
Texas Instruments
123 Fictional Lane
Dallas, TX 75001

Dear Mr. Brown:

I am captivated by Texas Instrument’s relentless pursuit of revolutionizing the world by making electronics more affordable. As you trailblazed the phase-out of vacuum tubes, leading the world toward transistors and integrated circuits, your commitment to continuous advancement and reliable high-volume production is impressive. Reflecting on your undeniable contribution toward making semiconductors ubiquitous in electronics globally, the opportunity to apply for the IT help desk supervisor role within such an impactful organization excites me.

At Accenture, I embraced the challenges as an IT help desk specialist for four years, taking strategic stands to resolve an average of 87 critical technical issues monthly. This tenacious effort led to an elevated satisfaction rate of 94% among clients. My technological insight and comprehensive understanding of IT service management systems allowed me to streamline processes, resulting in a notable 23% decrease in support ticket resolution times.

My tenure as a junior IT administrator at Deloitte US also equipped me with extensive experience in deploying and patching software. A key highlight was launching a new software suite and configuring security settings, facilitating a 17% risk reduction in security breaches. Furthermore, I automated the process, enabling a 32% decrease in software deployment times.

Adaptation to changes in the technological landscape, along with coordination with multidisciplinary teams, is the formula to success in tech. I’m eager to implement this formula, ensuring the IT help desk team at Texas Instruments maintains optimal efficiency and effectiveness. I look forward to illustrating how my skills and background have prepared me for this supervisory role.

Thank you,

Isabella Andrade

Why this cover letter works

  • A successful IT help desk cover letter emphasizes problem-solving skills, technical proficiency, customer service, teamwork, adaptability, and attention to detail.
    • Don’t get carried away with singing your wins, though. Use a few sentences to show you did your homework on the company.

How to Write an Impressive IT Cover Letter

Salesperson pops out of computer screen to depict outselling the competition with sales cover letter

Working in IT has helped you develop your natural keen eye for detail and no-nonsense approach, so you’re all set to begin crafting the perfect cover letter. The key is to be concise and specific, all the while still being ready to describe your greatest accomplishments in a way that gets you the job.

Which accomplishments would that be? Let the job description be your guide. Read it carefully and adjust your cover letter to match not just the tone, but also the skills and achievements required.

Don’t forget to personalize your cover letter to the job and express that this particular job is the one that you want, and not just any job in IT.

Write a captivating greeting and intro

To instantly show that you’ve done your homework, make sure to address the hiring manager by name if at all possible. Next, discuss why you want to apply your extensive skills in things like network management, database administration, or customer service to succeed in this role.

It’s a good idea to also try to get a little personal. Perhaps the company has helped local schools set up their new computer rooms? If so, make sure to mention how much your own values align with the company’s mission to help out the community. 
If you’re not sure how to start, here’s an example of what not to do. Use the opener to discuss how you can help the company, not how it can help you.

This is a no-go!

I’m applying for this position because I saw your ad on Indeed. I like computers and want to work in IT so please consider me for this job.

Now, this opener does a much better job of showing why the applicant is excited to lend their skills to that particular job. You can do the same by dropping a line that connects your skills in IT to the company’s overarching mission and background.

This one is a winner!

As a longtime Netflix consumer, I’m excited to contribute to its technological heartbeat as your next IT support assistant. Having been captivated by numerous series and films from the comfort of my living room, I have great respect for the hard-working teams behind the screens. With my proficiency accrued from various IT roles, I’m eager to support the teams that have been impressing me, and millions, for years.

Show off your expertise in the body of your cover letter

The body paragraphs of your cover letter are the meaty parts that really cement why you’re the IT expert that particular company wants to hire. You should limit this section to a maximum of three paragraphs, so be concise, but effective as you mention some of your career highlights.

The exact content of this section will depend on your role. If you’ve worked as an IT help desk support worker, dive into how your in-depth knowledge of technology helped end users overcome various issues. However, if your job was more on the operations side, you might want to talk about successful IT projects you’ve run or participated in.

Don’t just list off things you did, though. Instead, use relevant metrics to explain the impact your work has had. You’ve already covered some of them in your IT resume—your cover letter lets you go into more detail.

This is impressive!

My tenure as a junior IT administrator at Delloite US also equipped me with extensive experience deploying and patching software. A key highlight was launching a new software suite and configuring security settings, facilitating a 17% risk reduction in security breaches. Furthermore, I automated the process, enabling a 32% decrease in software deployment times.

Wrap up your cover letter in a memorable way

To end on a strong note, lean into your in-depth knowledge of IT and how it can help that particular company. For instance, if you’re applying for a job in cybersecurity, discuss how your expertise in preventing DDoS attacks can help the business strengthen its position as a market leader in secure networking.

In addition, express your excitement at joining the ranks of that particular business. Now is also a good time to thank the reader for their consideration.

The below closing paragraph is a good example of what you should avoid doing. It’s not very memorable and it doesn’t paint the candidate as an IT expert; instead, it gives off the impression that they just want any job, not that job.

Don’t do this!

I know I don’t have much experience but I will work hard. I really want to work for you and I can start any time because I need a job right away.

The below example takes a much more positive spin on things. The candidate expresses how their background can make a difference, and they refer to the company by name, which gives instant brownie points in a cover letter.

Let’s go!

I wholeheartedly believe that my diverse background in IT and passion for driving efficiency will make a significant impact at DocuSign as an IT operations manager. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute my skills and enthusiasm to your organization.

What to do if I can’t find the hiring manager’s name? 

Being a good researcher is crucial in IT, so show that you’re no stranger to seeking answers. Check LinkedIn, the company website, the job description, and Google before throwing in the towel. If you can’t pinpoint a person to address, you can use “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [company name] Team.”

Should I attach a portfolio to my cover letter?

Working in IT means you might have some projects to show off that don’t really fit into your resume or cover letter. In this case, add a portfolio under your contact information—this can be your GitHub repository or a personal website. Technical recruiters will appreciate it.

What tone should I write my cover letter in?

IT job descriptions range from really casual to extremely formal, so there’s no one-size-fits-all advice here. Start by reading the listing carefully, then check out the company website, and try to match the tone with an extra dash of professionalism.