25 Graphic Designer Cover Letter Samples & Guide in 2024

Stephen Greet
Stephen Greet July 25, 2024
25 Graphic Designer Cover Letter Samples & Guide in 2024

As a graphic designer, you know the importance of creating content that conveys the right message without sacrificing aesthetics. It’s why you choose every element meticulously, though users may never realize the effort you pour into every design. 

Long hours you spend on writing briefs, sketching concepts, and preparing presentations for clients, means you have less time for creating a graphic designer resume. As much as you want your portfolio to be reason enough to hire you, you’ll also have to create a cover letter that’s equally stunning. 

Don’t despair—we’ll guide you through the application process, starting with five graphic designer cover letter examples. Use our tips and AI cover letter generator to make a cover letter, and even find a resume template to match.

Graphic Designer Cover Letter Example 


Graphic designer cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Throughout his graphic designer cover letter, Percival appeals to the company’s goals with phrases like “impart positive emotions” and “inspire kindness, creativity, and joy.” Tying his own goals to the museum shows he’s aligned with its mission and will further it if hired.
    • Find a value you and the company share. Whether it’s creating fun art that helps social justice causes or using designs to further company engagement, mentioning how you share an employer’s ideals is a winning strategy.
  • Per the job description, Percival supplies several clearance documents to reassure employers of his background. Because they’re separate requirements, he lists them individually beneath “Enclosures.”
    • Not all jobs will require more than your resume and portfolio, but you should always read the graphic designer job description thoroughly to confirm. Government organizations will require some form of security clearance even if you don’t work in a high-risk area, so take care to provide all necessary documentation.

Pair Your Cover Letter with a Matching Graphic Designer Resume

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Matching graphic designer resume example with 6 years of experience

Level up your
cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Graphic Design Student Cover Letter Example


Graphic design student cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Ever participated in a design competition? If so, this is the perfect moment to bring that up in your graphic design student cover letter. First things first, a clear mention of the contest by name will suffice, especially if it’s well-recognized.
    • Then, detail the concept behind your project and the specific skills you put to work, whether digital design expertise, creating killer layouts, or something else relatable. Don’t forget to mention whether this was a personal project or a professional gig. And as you wrap up things, be clear about how many hours per week you can commit to this new role.

Graphic Design Internship Cover Letter Example


Graphic designer internship cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • So, you are still finding your footing in the field, which is understandable for a student. But again, make sure your graphic design internship cover letter shouts out any past projects or competitions you’ve been a part of. And don’t just mention them; detail the difference you made in each setting.
    • But why stop at academic pursuits when you could mention an internship you completed? It’s not a must, but it’s a pretty strategic way to signal to a prospective employer that you’ve already had a taste of the corporate vibe.

Graphic Design New Graduate Cover Letter Example


Graphic design new graduate cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Before you begin crafting your graphic design new graduate cover letter, research the type of company you’re setting your sights on—understanding their work culture is crucial. The trick? Scroll through the company’s website and check out their social media to get a feel of how they roll.
    • Are they corporate, all business suits and boardroom meetings? If so, you’ll want to polish your language to scream professional. On the flip side, if they’re more laid back, it’s your cue to loosen up a bit—inject a bit of personality and fun into your cover letter, steering it from a snooze fest with an endless block of text that reads like a legal document.

Graphic Designer No Experience Cover Letter Example


Graphic designer no experience cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Doesn’t crafting the perfect graphic designer no experience cover letter seem like a steep climb, given the cut-throat competition? However, personalizing your experience with the company can work wonders.
    • See how Aaron recounts in example his deep dive into the potential employer’s publications. If possible, narrate your experience with the company’s proprietary tool. Either way, it highlights your familiarity with the company, signaling a potential solid fit.

Entry-Level Graphic Designer Cover Letter Example


Entry-Level graphic designer cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Check out how Ian’s entry-level graphic designer cover letter tailors every bit of experience and project to mirror the hiring company’s culture.
    • If you are on the lighter side of professional experience, here’s a pro move: try speaking the company’s language and resonate with them on a personal level. You want to detail why you’re pumped to apply and align your past wins with their values. That screams, “Hey, we’re on the same wavelength here,” which, of course, boosts your appeal.

Associate Graphic Designer Cover Letter Example


Associate graphic designer cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • So, you’re more of stepping onto the scene (read beginner). However, that doesn’t mean you’re short on what it takes to ace the role you’re eyeing. In fact, college projects and any design event participation could be your claim to fame. Maybe recount when you contributed to a project that was eerily similar to what the hiring company does. Or perhaps you took part in a design hackathon that aligns with the role.
    • Better yet, align your associate graphic designer cover letter experiences with the company’s mission. If they’re a recruitment firm, bring into focus design projects you tackled in HR or related fields. It’s about making those connections clear to show you bring not just talent but a relevant and impactful one.

Junior Graphic Design Cover Letter Example


Junior graphic design cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Does the company you’re eyeing hold a special place in your heart? If so, don’t beat around the bush. Right out in the first sentence of your junior graphic design cover letter, put your point across.
    • You want to spill the bean on what hooks you to the hiring company at the outset. Is it their killer branding, mission, or the way they seem to read your mind with their designs? The body should take the hiring manager on a tour of your past projects or work experiences. Then, wrap up your cover letter by circling back to the spark—remind them why you are so pumped to jump on board and the fresh energy and vision you’re ready to bring to the team.

Graphic Designer with Experience Cover Letter Example


Graphic designer with experience cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • For a graphic designer with experience cover letter sporting a bit more glitter and gold in your career, let it be the stage. And this isn’t about listing your daily tasks from past design gigs. It’s your moment to tell a story of design triumph.
    • Did your newsletter layout skyrocket subscriber engagement? Or did your website redesigns boost traffic through the roof? These are the feats you want to narrate with finesses (ideally backed up by numbers), transforming your piece into something magnetic.

Senior Graphic Designer Cover Letter Example


Senior graphic designer cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • A good opener is essential to making the right impression. Rory addresses the employer and relates the mission statement to his personal goals.
    • Build a bridge as soon as possible. Maybe you’ve used the company’s products, or maybe you’ve always loved its creative approach to design, or like Rory, you may share similar values.
  • Every senior graphic designer cover letter needs metrics. Metrics demonstrate your positive impact at your previous workplace, and they provide hard evidence for your success.
    • If you can, find numbers relating to sales, marketing, or customer service. Choose metrics that apply to the position you’re seeking, and make sure they align with your future employer’s goals. 

Creative Graphic Design Cover Letter Example


Creative graphic designer cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Let’s be real —— crafting a creative graphic design cover letter that shows off your chops is not a piece of cake. You’ve got to make the prospective employer believe in your competence, but all you’ve got are words. That’s where metrics can save the day.
    • Skip the bland part where you simply state your duties and brag about the ad creatives you’ve made. That’s old news for resumes. Instead, dive deep and flaunt the quantified outcomes your interventions fostered. Did your design bump up web traffic or online sales? Whichever your wins, they are better backed up with real numbers.

Upwork Graphic Design Cover Letter Example


Upwork graphic design cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • About sprucing up your Upwork graphic design cover letter, think of it as your reel of your past job experiences. Ideally, include at least three companies you’ve clocked in hours, whether physically or remotely.
    • But hey, don’t stop at experiences. Throw in any relevant document you’ve tucked away, including letters of recommendation. These golden additions do more than just add credibility to your claims—serving as evidence of your past success, they show your potential boss you’re not just all talk.

Communications Graphic Designer Cover Letter Example


Communications graphic designer cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • You know what could be the ultimate game changer for your communications graphic design cover letter? Making it as personal as a handwritten note. We are talking about aligning every bit of your past experience with the needs and goals of the company you want to join.
    • See how Emma ties her background in architecture into her piece, knowing it will hit close to home for a hiring manager at ACCO. It’s not just about mentioning past gigs but also illustrating how they fit the new role. Again, mention the tangible outcomes your efforts have facilitated in the past.

Graphic Designer Art Director Cover Letter Example


Graphic designer art director cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Eyeing a graphic design art director role? It’s time to wheel out the heavy artillery and showcase the impact your designs have made over the years.
    • Create a timeline of your excellence in the field right from the early days. For example, did your designs pull in eyeball-popping views, rev up website traffic, or amplify the brand’s outreach? Such are the golden nuggets that will propel your graphic designer art director cover letter ahead of the competition.

Graphic Designer and Social Media Coordinator Cover Letter Example


Graphic designer and social media coordinator cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Few other things grab attention like a snappy introduction, and that’s Nicole’s trick with her graphic design and social media coordinator cover letter. Moving on, your cover letter’s body is the playground for discussing your professional experience and all the cool tech and software you’ve mastered along the way.
    • Sprinkling in some achievements goes a long way to give the recruiter a taste of what you bring to the table. As for the conclusion, let that enthusiasm of yours shine through—like you can’t wait to join the team. That kind of energy is contagious and exactly what will stick in the hiring manager’s mind.

T-Shirt Graphic Design Cover Letter Example


T-Shirt graphic design cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Don’t sweat it if you haven’t rocked the t-shirt design world before. The golden ticket here is linking design gigs you’ve aced in the past to your love for keeping up with the latest design trends. Did you dabble in innovative color schemes? Or maybe you breathed life into a website with product images that screamed creativity. That’s the stuff you want to highlight.
    • As long as your t-shirt graphic designer cover letter is oozing with enthusiasm, has sprinkled in a bit of your related experience, and shows your eagerness to learn, hit that send button with confidence.

Motion Graphic Designer Cover Letter Example


Motion graphic designer cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Imagine a motion graphic designer cover letter as your very own trailer, where you’re the star showing off why you’re the perfect fit for the new role. Set the scene by telling the prospective employer what lights you up about joining their team. Is it their innovative project, company culture, or commitment to sustainability?
    • As the plot of your cover letter thickens, frame each of your job experiences as a milestone, spotlighting the variety of skills you’ve mastered along the way. Think about that stunning ad campaign or those bland images turned into compelling narratives. For the cherry on top, flaunt your expertise with leading-edge tools like Blender, Mocha Pro, and Adobe After Effects to prove you’re the design wizard they need for their next projects.

Self-Taught Graphic Designer Cover Letter Example


Self-taught graphic designer cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • You don’t have a fancy degree in design or any Fine Arts—no biggie. Here’s where you throw in your wild card: the epic journey of self-learning. Spill the beans on how you hustled through courses, workshops, or seminars. Bet you’ve also clocked some serious screen time mastering design and animation tricks.
    • Then, tuck in those certificates from all the courses, workshops, and online classes you’ve completed. These are your badges of honor and go a long way to ramp up the credibility of your self-taught graphic designer cover letter.

Logo Graphic Designer Cover Letter Example


Senior graphic designer cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Do you rock at crafting logos that stand out in a crowd? Well, then make sure you shout about it in your logo designer cover letter.
    • Whether you’ve got mad skills with CorelDRAW, Adobe Photoshop, or Wacom Cintiq, throw every pertinent software you’re familiar with into the mix. But don’t just mention them. Dive into the nitty-gritty of the amazing designs you’ve brought to life with those tools. Even go ahead and share how those killer logos left your clients jaw-dropped and beaming with satisfaction.

Graphic Design Coordinator Cover Letter Example


Graphic design coordinator cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Here’s a fun approach to the introduction of your graphic design coordinator cover letter: imagine taking a trip down memory lane, back to where it all began with the company you are dreaming of joining. Take, for example, how Adam recounts his past victory in the university’s competition
    • So, why not weave a little of that magic into your piece? Recall any past interactions you’ve had with the hiring company such as a past event, party, trade fair, or seminar—these are your golden tickets. But again, don’t just aim to impress. Show how those moments shaped, inspired, or even pushed you to chase this exact opportunity.

Web and Graphic Designer Cover Letter Example


Web and graphic designer cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • About crafting a winning web and graphic designer cover letter, first, grab that job ad and dive into it like it’s the last piece of chocolate in the box. Your aim? To understand what the hiring company is specifically after. Are they prioritizing web design skills? Someone’s proficient in conjuring up stunning illustrations? Or maybe a maestro of color palettes?
    • If the ad’s playing coy with the desired specific skills, it’s your cue to whip out your varied experiences to serve them a little taste of your design talents. Don’t be shy about tossing in some hard-hitting numbers—they have this superpower of making your success stories come to life.

Social Media Graphic Designer Cover Letter Example


Social media graphic designer cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Don’t fall into the trap of vague work history. Instead, zone in on what really matters: your social media graphic design flair. Kicking things off, spotlight your design education—this is your foundation, after all.
    • Then, for each role you rocked, shine a spotlight on how your graphic designs turned heads but amped up those all-important metrics for the companies you’ve worked with. Stick to this game plan, and you’re not just crafting a social media graphic designer cover letter but your ticket to standing out and getting hired.

Visual Designer Cover Letter Example


Visual designer cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Wondering how to propel your visual designer cover letter ahead of the competition? You see, design employers aren’t exactly thrilled to sift through endless blocks of random words. Then, why not kick things off with some personal flair?
    • Take your time to craft an engaging intro—you want it to come across as a friendly handshake, warm and inviting. Your mission? To catch the hiring manager’s eye (and heart) with your objective for the role. Perhaps, spell out how you’re set to overhaul their platform’s layout and vibe with your creative arsenal. And remember, few other things sing quite like showcasing the positive ripples your designs trigger among customers.

Graphic Design Specialist Cover Letter Example


Graphic design specialist cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • If there’s one thing employers loathe reading, it’s generic cover letters. Marguerite’s graphic design specialist cover letter is anything but—she outlines her motivations, goals, and accomplishments from the start: “I’m ready to use my design and management experience to help you continue to attract the best customers and generate more revenue.”
    • Use strong words to convey what you’ve done and how you plan to help your future employer. It might take a few tries, so don’t be afraid of rewrites.
  • Your cover letter isn’t a dumping ground, so choose achievements that best match the job description.
    • Marguerite focuses on a large-scale skill (partnership/management) and a targeted set of skills (photography/videography). In doing so, she shows her capability on both a large and small scale while also demonstrating her dedication to all projects.
    • You don’t always have to include the biggest components of the job ad; sometimes, targeting a preferred qualification can give you an edge. 

Freelance Graphic Designer Cover Letter Example


Freelance graphic designer cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Creativity reigns supreme in graphic design, but a dash of numbers can translate that prowess into quantifiable wins. The key is to let the data paint your success story.
    • Did you increase the social media engagement for your most recent client via eye-catching designs? Or do you recount when your visually appealing infographics improved a client’s website traffic by, say, 23%? Whatever your quantified wins, don’t hesitate to highlight them in your freelance graphic designer cover letter.

Edit a matching graphic designer resume

Making your resume gets a whole lot easier when the resume format and template are already done for you. There’s no reason in the world that both your graphic designer cover letter and resume can’t shine! You can start editing this resume and be on your way. 

Graphic Designer Resume

Need a resume to pair with your graphic designer cover letter?

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Senior graphic designer cover letter example with 4+ years of experience

3 Tips for Writing a Stellar Graphic Designer Cover Letter

two woman sharing tips and conversation on how to create a graphic design cover letter

Writing an outstanding graphic designer cover letter isn’t unlike designing content for your clients; stay true to your purpose, include the right details, and hit the right tone. Follow our guide to craft a stunning graphic designer cover letter one step at a time.

Step 1: Understand the organization and its needs

Every design you make has a message and purpose. Your cover letter also has a message and purpose—to explain why you’re the best fit for the role and to land a job. 

Proving you’re the best fit includes demonstrating you understand your employer’s mission, vision, and values. To do that, research is required. Analyze the graphic designer job listing for company information, and look up the company’s website to study its history and recent news.

If you’re struggling to understand what the company wants, try framing its values as questions: a company’s promise to “promote clients by creating custom marketing materials” becomes “can you promote clients by creating custom marketing materials?” Do this to any requirements or statements in the job listing you’re uncertain about, and weave your answers into your cover letter. 

Step 2: Get detailed about a couple of successes

No one likes a copycat, so your graphic designer cover letter can’t simply be another version of your resume. Just like your portfolio, your cover letter and resume should be separate entities that show off a variety of your talents. 

Even though your resume and your cover letter can include the same experiences, each one achieves different goals. Think of your graphic design resume as a series of snapshots, capturing some of your best career moments. On the flip side, your cover letter is a home video that shows individual moments in great detail, creating a profound story.

Still stuck? Take a closer look at this sample from one of our graphic designer cover letters to spark some ideas.


Currently, as the marketing and graphic design specialist at George Mason University, I design print and electronic marketing products to boost brand awareness and engagement. However, I recognized a need for more personal content, so I turned to photography and videography. My “Life at George Mason University” video series had a 3-percent conversion rate, and by the end of 2021, I had more than doubled our followers on Instagram and Twitter, resulting in an 11-percent rise in prospective student applications.

This example stays focused on one goal or talent (photography/videography). Although the candidate could have just focused on responsibilities, they focus instead on how their efforts helped the company.

Step 3: Win with your tone & message

Now, it’s time to breathe life into your graphic designer cover letter; it shouldn’t read like a book report. Instead, it should draw the reader in, enticing them to learn more.

To accomplish that, you need to have a professional tone. This is no casual conversation (save your LOLs and TTYLs for your best buds), but nor should you be archaically formal. Choose active verbs and strong nouns that are vibrant but appropriate in a business setting.

Professionalism alone, however, won’t engage readers. Once you’ve nailed the professional part, try to make your content read like a narrative. It doesn’t need to be poetry, but it should encourage the reader to linger. Entwine your purpose, your message, and the company’s story into a cohesive unit that sounds engaging and interesting.

Once you’ve nailed the professional part, try to make your content read like a narrative.

After you’ve completed your cover letter, condense it to a page. Then, it’s back to the drawing board for one last step: revision. Just as no design is perfect from the first sketch, no cover letter is complete without editing. Ask some colleagues to review it so they can catch minor errors you may have missed.

Then, all you need to do is hit submit and start dreaming of your future!

The Handy Outline for Your Graphic Designer Cover Letter

Screen showing outline of layout for graphic designer cover letter placed on a table desk

Writing anything from scratch is difficult, but it’s even more challenging when there’s a job at stake. But with a good structure to follow, you can breathe easy as our outline will help you choose what to include and how to include it, so you can worry less and write better.

How to start a graphic designer cover letter

Your contact info: Don’t make finding your contact information difficult. Assuming you’re using a template, fill in your email, number, and address (city and state) at the top of your graphic designer cover letter. Also, include your LinkedIn profile if you have room since many employers require it.

Date: It’s a huge help to employers (just think of all the cover letters they have to sort through). Plus, a date can help you keep track of when you applied for the job. So, jot down the date after the address. 

Inside address: Include the company’s address even if you’re not sending your letter via post. This inclusion, known as the inside address, immediately informs the employer you’ve researched their company and you’ve tailored your cover letter accordingly. 

Can’t find an address? Start by scanning their job description, application, and website. If there’s nothing there, try a quick Google search or look at LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Facebook. One of those options should yield a usable address, or at the very least, a city and state. 


Christopher Nichols
Human Resources Director, Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh
10 Children’s Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Greeting: Every word in your cover letter must have significance, including the greeting (also known as the salutation). But don’t sweat it too much—stick to the tried-and-true “Dear Ms./Mr. Lastname:” to make a good impression.

Many cover letters skip the name, but a personalized greeting gets the reader’s attention and makes them feel valued. We all like to be addressed by name, so do your utmost to address the hiring manager specifically. Start looking at the job description and company website before venturing into Google, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor. 

If you still can’t find anything, either address the head professional (such as the Human Resources Director), or the entire graphic design team (“Dear Graphic Design Team”). 

How to write your graphic designer cover letter

Body: The body of your graphic designer cover letter should be only three to four paragraphs long, leaving room for white space between. Each paragraph needs to convey your interest, unique qualifications, and enthusiasm for future contact. 

Opening paragraph: An excellent design catches and holds someone’s attention, and your opening paragraph should do likewise. A boring start can be the difference between getting in or getting tossed in the bin. The key to a great opener is quality, not shock factor, unlike this opening paragraph: 


WOW! That’s exactly what you’re going to think when you see my work. As a graphic designer with 3 years of experience, I’ve done it all, from brochures, ads, social media posts, logos, and far more. I love making clients say, “You’re the best!” and creating content that stuns, amazes, and excites.

This is spot-on if you want to sound like a bad car salesperson, but it’ll turn employers away with its over-eager tone, lack of relevant details, and too-casual manner. Your cover letter opener should be professional and polite while providing evidence you’re the right fit for the job, such as this example:


Based on your numerous awards, the Geronimo Hospitality group has a solid reputation in the hospitality industry. Moreover, you’ve created a memorable customer experience at all your locations, which is always my goal as a graphic designer. I’m ready to use my 4 years of design and management experience to help you continue to attract the best customers and generate more revenue.

Immediately, the employer can tell the candidate knows about the company, they share a common goal, and they have experience.

Paragraphs 2-3: Each paragraph needs to back your opening statements, but don’t fall into the trap of waxing poetic about your work. You have a limited amount of space and time to catch their attention. 

Instead, focus each paragraph on one accomplishment, requirement, or credential. This will allow you room to elaborate, and it narrows your options, making your cover letter more of a highlight reel than a biography (which your employer will thank you for). 

Each paragraph should be a mini-story unto itself, giving an example of how you have met your previous company’s needs and should thus inspire this company to hire you. It’s more than doable to offer up your experience without being dull or overwhelming: 


Earlier, as the lead designer with HyPier Haunts, I helped their growing brand with a high level of variety and creativity for independent and large-scale products. There, I created numerous projects, including several photography essays, a complete branding revamp on all merchandise, and multiple advertising and social media campaigns, including several video series. By the time I left, I had boosted the cost revenue ratio to 60 percent, increased social media engagement by 23 percent, and increased the number of new customers by 17 percent.

This gives context for the position and establishes the requirements expected of the candidate. Moreover, the candidate explains in detail how they met those requirements and created positive change.

Although writing these paragraphs can be intimidating, don’t worry about perfection the first time. Just like your sketches, all you need to do is start; revise them later as needed.

Closing paragraph: Many cover letters end with a hasty and vague close because the candidate feels there’s nothing left to say. Thus, employers read many boring closing paragraphs like this: 


I have experience in graphic design and am passionate about creating art with a purpose. I know I can do good work for you if you will let me. Thank you for reading my cover letter, and please consider me for this position.

Nothing in this paragraph says anything significant about you or the company; instead, it could be from any number of candidates, and it comes off as both desperate and uninspired. Remember this is your chance to solidify your attributes before they review your portfolio and resume, so don’t waste it.

Trust us when we say that closers don’t have to be difficult. Instead, briefly sum up how your goals and experience will help the company’s mission. Then, end with a call to action regarding further contact. This example resolves the conversation politely but enthusiastically with a strong call to action: 


Everywhere I have worked, I have aimed to initiate positive change through successful, encouraging designs and innovative leadership. As your senior graphic designer, I will lead projects that will further your brand and meet your marketing goals. I look forward to meeting and discussing more with you about how my experience can be part of creating tech-inspired financial solutions that are easy, empowering, and flexible.

Signature: End on a good note with a professional “thank you” if you haven’t already said so in the closing paragraph. Then use a polite closing statement with your real name (no nicknames). 



Marguerite Justine

Enclosure(s): This section is often forgotten, but it’s vital for graphic designers since it lists all the documents you’re sending to your employer. This includes your resume, the job application, and your portfolio among other things (check the job ad for any additional requirements). It reminds employers that more follows while also giving them a de facto checklist to ensure you’ve followed instructions.


Official transcript

Cover letter format for a graphic designer

As a graphic designer, you may be really excited about using one of our cover letter templates above; however, if you’re looking for a basic business letter, you can use this template for your graphic design cover letter. 

If you decide a business-style letter is for you, we’ll drop some formatting tips below this template.

Graphic Design Cover Letter

Graphic design cover letter business letter format

Cover letter formatting tips for a graphic designer

  • Leave your name out of your address (save it for the signature instead). 
  • Write out the full date with the month, day, and year, eg. January 5, 2023.
  • Each part of the address should be on a new line and double-spaced between the inside address and greeting.
  • If the company you’re applying at is more casual and artsy, you can get away with a comma after the greeting.
  • Single-space your cover letter throughout but double-space between paragraphs. 
  • If you’re presenting hard copies of your graphic designer cover letter, quadruple space to allow room for your signature in blue/black ink. 
  • Use the singular or plural form of “enclosure” depending on how many things you’re enclosing. (Don’t forget to enclose your design portfolio!)

Is Your Graphic Designer Resume Just as Awesome?

Woman finishing layout for data scientist resume

Congratulations, you’re done with your cover letter! But that doesn’t mean you’re done quite yet. Along with finishing your portfolio, job application, and cover letter, you need to submit a resume. 

It may be tempting just to submit any old resume since you’re applying for multiple graphic designer jobs that likely have similar requirements. But even if the job skills and roles are similar, that doesn’t mean you should hand in whatever you have on hand.

Like a generic cover letter, a generic resume won’t win you any points with future employers. Every document you submit needs to be tailored, updated, and polished so you can make a positive impact before you meet your employer face to face. 

But you’re not alone. Our resume builder features unique AI-powered advice to help create your graphic designer resume from a template like this one—by the way, you can edit this one right now if you like. 

Graphic Design Specialist Resume

Need a resume to pair with your AP English teacher cover letter?

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Graphic Design Specialist Resume Template

Or, you can upload your current resume to see what improvements you can make as you take inspiration from our free graphic designer resume examples.

No matter what you need, let BeamJobs give you a helping hand so you can design a bright future!

What should I do if I can’t find the hiring manager’s name?

We strongly recommend that you dig deep and try your best to find it. Attention to detail is crucial in graphic design, so going the extra mile will convey to the employer that you care and will go out of your way to make an impression. Check LinkedIn, the company website, and the job description carefully. However, if you really can’t find the name, you can use “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [Company] Team.”

What to do if I have no past experience as a graphic designer?

You can use this to your advantage and highlight your fresh look at the industry instead. Talk about your career goals, transferable skills (such as knowing how to communicate with stakeholders), and your love of design. Include a portfolio to underscore your skills.

What kind of tone can I use in my cover letter?

As a graphic designer, you will likely work with a group of creatives in a rather dynamic workplace. This often gives you some leeway, but let the job description be your guide, as well as the company mission—if it’s all serious business, follow its lead. If the company sounds casual, you can adjust your tone to match, but always keep it a little more professional; if you’re not sure whether something is okay to say, it’s best to skip it.